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Composition and sound design for your (interactive) media.
Made in the Netherlands, available worldwide.

Als Niets Is Wat Het Was
(If Nothing Is What It Was)

by Evan Hobers
Role: Composer
Accolade showing this film won Best Documentary Worldwide at International Social Shorts Antwerp in 2020.
Accolade showing this film won Best Documentary Short at Anaheim International Film Festival in 2020.
Accolade showing this film was the Silver Winner at Queen Palm International Film Festival n 2020.
Accolade showing this film was part of the official selection for Rialto For Short in 2020.
Accolade showing this film was part of the official selection at Supershorts London Film Festival in 2020.
Accolade showing this film was part of the official selection at New Renaissance Film Festival in 2020.
Accolade showing this film was part of the official selection at San Antonio QFest LGBT International Film Festival in 2020.
Accolade showing this film was part of the official selection at LA Student Film Fest in 2020.
 Accolade showing this film was part of the official selection at Lift-Off Global Network Amsterdam in 2020.
Accolade showing this film was part of the official selection at the Nederlands (Dutch) Film Festival in 2020.
Accolade showing this film was part of the official selection at Utrecht Rainbow Festival in 2020.
Accolade showing this film was part of the official selection at Blikvangers (Eye-catchers) HKU Film Festival in 2019.